Thomson Fire - the fire risk assessment experts

  • Fire is serious, and its consequences potentially devastating – to your staff, your business and to others.

    Any expert will tell you that most fires are avoidable but that, particularly where ‘human error’ might creep in, eliminating the risk of fire altogether is virtually impossible. Thomson Fire offers a wide variety of services aimed at minimising that risk. The combined experience of our team amounts to literally hundreds of years spent fighting fires and advising others on how to prevent them from starting.

    With our business diversifying with the additional address base in the North we are now able to answer our customers more efficiently and cover the UK more effectively not just the South as in previous, this can only grow and motivate our reputation further from places like London, Essex and Cambridgeshire to further afield. We now also advise clients on fire safety strategies (of which fire risk assessments are of course an integral part), fire safety management, fire safety audits, fire engineering in building design, fire evacuation strategies and safety training. Recently we’ve also begun making a name for ourselves as independent fire investigators.

  • Top of most wish lists when choosing a fire safety consultant is that – in addition to being thorough, efficient and up-to-speed on the latest Fire Regulations – they’re proactive and easy to deal with. As the client testimonials above testify, our staff are noted for their people skills, a result no doubt of so many having come to us from the Fire & Rescue Service. As a consequence, they’re well-versed in tackling fire safety issues in both domestic and commercial environments. This includes fire risk assessments in hotels, offices, factories, schools, retail shop premises and housing association flats.

    An area of particular specialist knowledge is our fire safety work with NHS and private healthcare trusts: notably hospitals, medical centres, doctors’ surgeries and care homes. We have advised architects on ward layout and design, facilities management on healthcare legislation and implementation of The Department of Health’s Firecode Health Technical Memoranda, and conducted fire risk assessments and independent fire investigations on behalf of trustee boards.

    Fire hasn’t changed since man learned to harness it, but the techniques, materials and strategies used to prevent fire have never stopped evolving. Thomson Fire works at the forefront of that battle. You might say, we get all fired up about fire.

  • Feedback


    Read what some of our customers say about the Thomson Fire approach to fire safety.

  • Sectors Thomson Fire services


    Meeting the differing fire safety requirements of the healthcare, commercial, retail, industrial, education and residential sectors.

  • Services Thomson Fire offers


    From fire risk assessments and fire safety audits, to fire engineering design and independent fire investigations.

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