Fire safety managements
All buildings should have a fire safety management strategy in place before occupation, as a requirement of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The fire safety management document should highlight the fire safety features within a building and set out procedural duties, staff training needs and maintenance schedules for all fire safety systems. It should also cover the main assumptions used in the fire safety design of the building. Quite simply it is an instruction manual designed to help staff understand how to prevent fire, what to do in the event of one, why fire safety features were designed the way they were, and how they should operate.
Part of the fire safety management strategy is the fire risk assessment, which should be maintained continuously and updated at least once a year or following any significant works. The fire risk assessment is the ‘work in progress’ manual, highlighting areas where staff need additional training or a building requires further modification, for example. It isn’t simply a ‘to do’ list however. Fire Service Inspectors can and do check fire risk assessments, and will expect to see evidence that all risks identified are being actively addressed.
Thomson Fire offers large and small organisations full back-up and support in meeting fire safety management strategy requirements, from drafting to implementation. Larger buildings or complexes often require multiple fire safety management strategies and risk assessments, all of which must be co-ordinated. It’s all part of our service.
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